You Can Do It:
Overcoming Worry and Fear Now
Overcoming Worry and Fear Now
Everyone feels worried and fearful about some things sometimes. Why not? Life is full of challenges that can keep you uneasy and distracted from living in the moment. Fear and worry are innate reactions to stimuli that are perceived to be dangerous or a threat to personal well-being. Although both are common and a natural part of life, worry and fear are powerful reactions that can have intense effects on the body and mind.
Why Do You Become Afraid and Worried?
Fear is an emotion that typically occurs as a reaction to danger, such as being caught in a fire or getting involved in an accident. It also may emerge during events that are risky in other ways, like a first date, a job interview, or a speech in public.
Whether the threat is perceived or real, fear can be a useful emotion to prompt you toward the right action. Fear can help you get away from dangerous or harmful things, as it can elicit a “fight or flight” response, a biochemical reaction to stress. It is a functional response; without fear, the chances of daily survival diminish.
Worry, on the other hand, is thinking ahead about dangers or concerns that can potentially happen in the future. Worrying can be both helpful and adaptive. For instance, worrying about finances can help you manage your money wisely and impel you to embrace practical and useful self-preservation tactics. It can, however, be maladaptive too, if it focuses on uncontrollable circumstances or it preoccupies your mind, preventing you from being productive.
When Worry and Fear Consume You
Being worried and afraid often cause bodily and emotional changes. When you are afraid, your perception of time and space can be enhanced and the senses heightened. These adjustments greatly increase your chances of surviving a dangerous situation. Fear can also cause erratic heartbeat, dizziness, stomach pain, stuttering, loss of appetite, and more.
Worrying about potential negative scenarios can help you better plan for them and prevent them from becoming reality. Excessive worrying, though, may affect your physical and psychological health. When you worry about an imagined scenario, the body responds by releasing a number of chemicals, including adrenaline and cortisol. While they are helpful on a short-term basis, these chemicals can cause blood clots, higher blood pressure, and muscle tension, impairing your health over time.
WebMD reports that high levels of anxiety are common in the US, affecting nearly 40 million American adults. Research by the University of Minnesota also suggests that PTSD, clinical depression, and other psychological and emotional health conditions may cause fear and worry chronically.
Unlearning the Habit of Excessive Worry and Fear
Perhaps you have noticed that the more you imagine about things, the more worried you become. Living in constant fear can be incapacitating, contributing to serious health consequences. Worry and fear are habits that can impact your physical, psychological, and emotional well-being.
Knowing what these feelings do to you can motivate you to look for routes to overcome worry and fear. Why would you deprive yourself of the pleasure of living life free from worry and fear? Why would you let worry or fear to rule your life and prevent you from doing what you enjoy most? Ask yourself: how many opportunities have you passed up because you worry too much or you are unreasonably afraid to go forward? Won’t you be much happier and more successful if you are able to work past the emotions that restrain you from achieving your dreams?
Getting Help to Live the Life You Want
Worrying and being afraid are common emotions felt by people of all ages as a response to stressful situations or perceived danger. The problem lies in the negative effect these emotions can have on your health if they become persistent, intrusive, and disruptive. In such cases, you certainly need to seek professional diagnosis and treatment.
When you decide to seek counseling to overcome worry and fear, call Carolina Counseling Services — Pinehurst, NC. The independently contracted counselors at CCS have the expertise to help replace your unhealthy, restricting behaviors with a positive attitude toward exploring new experiences and learning. One of them is the right-fit professional with an appropriate treatment plan for your unique needs.
Do not hesitate to make a call to request an appointment. CCS — Pinehurst, NC, offers a safe and caring environment to seek the services of its independently contracted counselors. If you want to live the life you want, contact us to set up a schedule to overcome worry and fear.