Parenting Help To Manage
Your Angry Teen

Parenting may never be an easy job, especially if you have a teenager who seems to be angry most of their waking hours. You may feel overwhelmed and exhausted trying to handle the outbursts. In times when your child exhibits violence or aggression, it can be hard to know what to do. Your child’s explosive anger may already be having a detrimental impact on your family, you may be left wondering how you can help your teenager manage their anger. 

Causes of Anger

Anger can be a normal, healthy emotion in response to a threat, though it can seem as if young people have a greater share of anger than others. In fact, intermittent and explosive anger can have a deep impact on teens and those closest to them. Your child may have been experiencing this type of anger, which can oftentimes be mistaken as simply “acting out”.

Feelings of anger can be triggered by many things. Anger itself is a secondary emotion, we tend to feel angry when we are feeling something else. Oftentimes this is a more vulnerable emotion such as fear, sadness, overwhelm, disrespect etc. It can be natural to also experience anger when we feel these things. 

Is Your Teen’s Anger Healthy or Unhealthy?

There are times when anger is healthy, however, this is not always the case. Anger can be a powerful emotion that can push us toward making positive change. Anger can also lead us to doing or saying things we don’t mean. This powerful emotion can also be a symptom of depression and anxiety. 

If anger is felt so intensely that it impacts the way your teen lives their life and their relationships it is likely unhealthy. Excessive anger can affect sleep and appetite as well as how one functions at school and socially. What causes problems generally tends to be a problem. 

Facing the Challenge

As a parent you may feel as if you are facing a great deal of challenges, helping your child work through their anger can add to this. Having a child who engages in risky behaviors may cause you and your family to live in fear. This can be profoundly upsetting and alarming for any parent. Know that there is something you can do to help your child to gain control over their anger. It can be important to seek treatment to assess whether your child’s anger is related to depression and/or anxiety.

Professional help is available, look no further than Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC. CCS contracts with skilled, licensed counselors and therapists that can help. Call today to schedule your first appointment. 

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