Can Psychiatric Medication Management Improve Relationships?

When we aren’t at our best, many areas of our lives can be impacted. One of the biggest areas of our lives that can be affected are our relationships. There is no quick fix for relationship conflict, there are too many pieces that must be addressed. While this may be true, working on being the healthiest version of yourself can drastically improve the way you show up for others, which in turn can improve your relationships. 

How is Your Emotional Health?

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. While you may know this to be true, you may not be approaching your health in a holistic way. Life is busy and we can get sidetracked with obligations and responsibilities. Unfortunately, when our plate is full, taking care of ourselves can be the first thing to go. 

We don’t always pay attention to how we are feeling until we have to. You can only push yourself so far before your body starts to physically and mentally shut down. It is important to touch base with yourself often and honestly to take stock of how you are feeling and functioning. 

When You Aren’t Feeling Your Best Mentally

It is natural to feel anxious and depressed from time to time, however, if you feel this way more often than not it is likely impacting the way you live your life. Feeling on edge or sad can lead us to isolate or be short with those closest to us. When this happens, our relationships can be impacted negatively. 

Recognizing that you are experiencing mental health symptoms allows you to do something about it. Seeing a therapist and/or a psychiatric professional for a thorough assessment can help determine the best treatment approach for you. For many, a combined approach including therapy and medication management is best. 

Medication Management and Relationships

There aren’t any medications for relationships, however, when you are appropriately treating your symptoms you will begin to feel better. When you are feeling better mentally you are better able to show up in all areas of your life, including your relationships. 

When your symptoms are well managed you are less likely to feel irritable, on edge, sad, overwhelmed etc. When you are no longer experiencing these symptoms you can have better control over your life and the way you communicate with others. 

Many effective skills to improve relationships can be learned in therapy, however, if you are experiencing intense, intrusive symptoms it can be difficult to put these skills into practice. With a psychiatric medication management plan that is right for you, you can begin to make the progress you want and need to see. 

Finding the Right Providers

Making the decision to see a psychiatrist and/or therapist can feel overwhelming. You aren’t alone, therapy and medication management can help. If you feel your symptoms are impacting your relationships and other life areas, it can get better. 

Carolina Counseling Services in Southern Pines, NC contracts with skilled licensed prescribers and therapists. You don’t have to only meet with a psychiatrist, Psychiatric Physician Assistants and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners are effective in providing holistic care. Find the provider that is right for you contracted with CCS. Call today to schedule your first appointment!