Calling for Help when Anxiety/Fear/Phobia/OCD
Affects You or Your Family

Anxiety disorders are among the most common disorders experienced by children and adults. Anxiety can warn you about impending harm and even prepare you to take the necessary action to ensure your safety. However, anxiety can also transform into a disorder when it becomes persistent, uncontrollable and/or overwhelming. Instead of being a useful emotion, anxiety can disable you with irrational fear of everyday situations, interfering with daily activities and even disrupting your daily life.

Anxiety, Can It Be Genetic?

Anxiety disorders include; generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder and attacks, separation anxiety, social anxiety disorder, and some specific phobias. It is closely related to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well, all of which may be experienced along with depression.

Researchers are finding out that anxiety disorders, much like asthma or diabetes, can be inherited. They may develop from a set of complex factors such as genetics, brain chemistry, upbringing, life events and the environment. Apart from being genetically predisposed, your experiences through the years can also contribute to your anxiety. Thus, when your genetics combine with psychological and environmental factors, you may become more prone to anxiety disorders.

Treatment Can Make a Difference

Understanding what’s causing your excessive or unreasonable fear can be important. It may be even more important to recognize the fact that regardless of the cause, anxiety is  highly treatable. Recovery from anxiety disorder is not driven by whether your anxiety is of biological or environmental origin. Despite the unique characteristics of each anxiety disorder, most respond well to evidence based treatment provided by professionals.

Unfortunately, statistics show that only about one-third of people with anxiety disorders seek treatment. You don’t have to be part of the two-thirds who suffer in silence, you can make the decision to receive treatment. No matter your experience with anxiety, treatment is available and relief can be found.

Rallying the Family for Help

Most cases of anxiety disorder can be successfully treated with proper intervention. You can’t go wrong with Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC. There are licensed, independently contracted therapists available who are highly skilled in diagnosing and treating anxiety disorders. Once your needs have been identified you can begin your work with your therapist, implementing only the best and most effective techniques, like Cognitive behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Call CCS today to schedule your first appointment. You deserve relief, find it with a therapist that is right for you!

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