7 Signs It’s Time to Consider Counseling for Your Child
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Parenting is not an easy task, it is the hardest job you will ever embark upon without proper training. The parenting world becomes that much more difficult when you are unsure if YOU are able to provide all the support your child may need. It is tough to know when particular behaviors are just part of their growth and development and will pass, or if it is a cause for concern.
Here are some signs to look out for that might indicate it’s time to consider counseling for your child:
- Sibling Concerns: If you find that the sibling rivalry amplifies to a level of safety concerns, you may want to seek the assistance of a trained professional. Especially, if you find that your other children do not always feel safe around their siblings.
- Disruptive Behavior: It is common for children to display behaviors that are not what we desire, however, when your child’s behaviors begin to limit or impact your day-to-day life as well as others, it may be time to seek help.
- Refusal to Attend School: It is normal for your child to not want to attend school at times, however if you notice that this becomes a consistent request, you may want to dig a little deeper into this. If your child expresses feeling anxious about being away from you for periods of time, counseling may be a necessary added option to sort through what may be causing these concerns to arise.
- Consistent Behavioral Problems: As mentioned previously, it is expected that your child may act out occasionally, however when you notice that your child’s behavioral concerns have increased and arise in various aspects of their life, therapy may be your solution.
- Severe or Life-Threatening Behavior: Behaviors that your client reports or others report that can place your child’s safety as well as the safety of others at risk, such harming themselves or aggression, you should have this addressed with a professional as soon as possible.
- Marital Strain: If you find that your child’s behaviors are driving a wedge between you and your partner and creating undo tension, speaking with a professional to gain support and guidance for you and your child may be the best first step.
- Parental Exhaustion: There comes a point in which you feel that you have exhausted all of your options, and you really are feeling that you and your personal supports alone are not enough, a counselor can be that breath of fresh air you need to help bring new perspectives and strategies to help you and your child.
If while reading the signs to look out for, you felt that this resonates with your current situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC. We’re here to provide the support and guidance you need to help your child thrive. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward a brighter future for your child.